Embarrassing Moment For A Senior Sales Person (gosh)

Embarrassing Moment For A Senior Sales Person (gosh) - Sales Ninja BLog

“I don’t know” – he appeared stunned…

I asked a senior salesperson some questions about his company. The questions were not hard to answer. The first question I asked was; who has worked here the longest?

He replied that X is the longest-serving employee in the company. So, I then turned to X and asked him 6 other questions that sent shivers down his spine. You could see sweat bursting out of his forehead.

How many years have you been working here? 3 years, he answered.

How many projects has the company completed? I am not sure.

How many units have been built so far? I am not entirely sure.

What is the current GDV? I don’t know.

How large is the current land bank? I have no idea.

I then told them, if you cannot answer questions such as these, you are only at a Level 3 persuasion power.

If you want to be a masterful closer; you need to equip yourself with special weapons.

Who is accountable to know these details? – Everyone. The management, the manager, and the salesperson.

Many companies want to grow but if they cannot take care of the basic persuasion skills, their vision is merely just hopeful and not tactful.

Do you want to have a sales team equipped with powerful persuasion skills? Contact us here to get a free consultation on how we can help to grow your company’s sales team!

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