How To Succeed Even Though You Have Limited Budget…

How To Succeed Even Though You Have Limited Budget - Sales Ninja Blog

“I have a limited budget…”

In a leadership training recently, I was talking about challenges and asked the participants what some of their challenges are. One of the managers raised a challenge where it is hard for him to execute a good plan because he has a limited budget. There are so many things that he wants to do but the budget given to him is limited; directly limiting him to execute his to-do list.

Do you have a limited budget? Yes? Ever heard of any company that has abundant resources and an unlimited budget? Almost unheard of. So what can you do about it?

The answer is creativity and innovation.

Lots of resources limit the use of the mind.

Limited resources force the mind to think differently.

You cannot do the same thing, the same way if you have limited budgets.

You’ve got to target more precisely!

You’ve got to find a niche and attack that market!

You’ve got to create guerrilla-style campaigns!

You’ll just have to fully utilize your mind expansion ability.

When I was a sales manager, I had limited time – like everybody else. But I managed to achieve 150% in my 1st year and 300% in my 2nd year. How? I worked differently. 9 am – 7 pm I was with my sales team, and I went out networking every night with different people, yes, every night. I met lots of decision-makers and channeled those leads to my team.

I have limited time and very high targets to achieve. So, I had to think and do it differently.

It is not a limited budget that is the problem.

It is whether we use our potentials with 100%.

What are you going to do?

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