What Is Sales To You?

What Is Sales To You - Sales Ninja Blog

Have you ever stopped to think deeply about what an actual sale meant for you and your career?

When I was 18, I joined a company that has 7 days of sales training for newcomers. I was one of the 15 people getting grilled to be a hardcore salesperson. After completing the sales training, we went to the office and started hunting. There were hundreds of salespeople in that company and I told myself I will achieve the top position.

Coming from a broken family that is broke, money meant everything for me. The reason I quit college at the age of 18 was that my parents could not afford to pay for my college fees anymore and I have to start earning money for myself.

In my second month, I start achieving my sales targets and gross around RM 5k for that month. I have never seen so much money in my life. I was holding that cheque, I looked at the cheque and told myself, “I will never be poor EVER again – EVER!”.

In the third month, I put all my effort to achieve the Hall Of Fame award, an award where any salesperson is bestowed when they achieved 3X their sales targets. I calculated if I achieve this award, my payout will be in the 5 figures! I will be RICH!

Sales by sales, dollar by dollar, I’ve earned my way to my first million many years later as a professional salesperson.

What are sales?

Sales = life.

And in life there 2 things that are most important to me:
Feelings of accomplishment and success.
Financial rewards. Money money money. That can enable me to choose to live life without worries.

With financial rewards, I get to take care of my family, I get to eat good food, I get to fly around the world, I get to buy fashionable goods, I get to have fun like buying a new car, I get to take care of my fitness because healthcare is expensive and the freedom to do charity and help the helpless.

Sales = life. What are sales for you?

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