How to Create a High-Performing Sales Team?

How to Create a High-Performing Sales Team - Sales Ninja Blog

During this crisis, my team has been working over the weekends, day-and-night, and also during public holidays with no pay.

So how did I create this High-Performing Team and managed to achieve our mission for May and April?

Here’s a video to find out…

In April and May, we were able to pay all the staff salaries with…

No payment deferment.

No salary deferment.

No pay cuts.

No unpaid leaves.

All of them were paid 100%.

How did I do it?

Mission and Vision

We have to have a Mission and Vision for the Team. Not the kind of mission and vision you have for the company when you started.

I’m talking about a short term mission and vision…

  • April – we need to pay all our staff salaries.
  • May – we need to pay our company expenses.

We were able to achieve both as one team, with one mind towards the same goal.

  • June – Profitability. Positive cash flow…

We don’t plan long term but instead go with a month over month plan so we can easily pivot and execute. We cannot control outside factors such as the government giving away another stimulus package.

So instead, we manage what we can and maximize our resources on a week to week and a day to day basis… so that we can act fast and display agility when a new situation calls for another response.

If you’ve been following me for the past 20 years, I’m known in the Malaysian B2B Sales Market. But COVID-19 presented an opportunity to capture the B2C Market’s attention.

This is the opportunity we’ve tapped in order to overcome the crisis.

So, within 9 days from March 23rd, my team and I managed to create new products that are suited for the B2C market and have helped over 400 business owners during the MCO period alone.

From this, I’ve learned that crisis is a call to leadership.

It is during a crisis that people start looking for a leader to direct their activities in highly uncertain times. So you as a leader must have direction and clarity in vision in order to guide your team out of crisis and into success.



“Hardship needs leadership”

Lastly, in order to make these possible, the leader has to get out of his comfort zone and challenge himself.

Do new things that may not be familiar to you… but are driving profits to other businesses. Tap into the free technology at your disposal and stay away from processes that don’t create cash flow.

My team and I have been exploring new apps that we can use and you’ve probably seen me posting daily on social media.

This is the NEW WAY of doing business.

If I kept my business to myself and didn’t choose to publish, I won’t be receiving any new business in my company. So this massive shift has become a huge part of our movement towards success despite the MCO.

But this all starts with the leader being bold and having the humility to try new things, not certain if they work or not. As long as you know when to keep moving forward and when to stop.

I wish you success and am hoping that you’ll find the motivation to embrace change and lead your team out of the crisis in one mind and spirit as I did.

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