Home Testimonial 1 - Sales Ninja Asia

During training sessions I get one persistent question surrounding cold calling from salespeople:

When should you cold call? 

Is it in the morning? Afternoon? Evening? Weekends?

The answer is…

You need to call, whenever you need to call!

Cold calling is not something you do when you only need it, it’s something you do as a discipline!

It’s like you need coffee every morning, brushing your teeth, going to the toilet, it’s all about having a routine.

Cold calling is exactly the same.

You need to make it a discipline.

Whenever you reach the office, maybe 9.30 am, start calling from 10.30 am to 11.30 am. Call every single day!

If you want to be a successful salesperson…

You should be cold calling when you don’t need to be cold calling

Otherwise, you’ll have an empty pipeline, and go into panic mode when it’s empty

It’s like borrowing money from the bank. Borrow when you don’t need it so that you can actually get it when you do.

Cold calling is exactly the same.

Most people say, “Eh, you know what?”

“I don’t have prospects, let’s call.”

“I don’t have appointments, let’s call.”

That’s too late.

So cold call when you don’t need it.

Look at your calendar, how full is your pipeline?

Is it filled with appointments and meetings?

If your pipeline is filled with prospects, appointments, you have a great prospecting strategy, continue doing it!

If your pipeline is empty, it means your prospecting activities need to go up, pick up the phone, and start calling today!

Always have an aim in cold calling
1. Number of Calls

How many calls will you make in a day? My team does 100 without fail!

2. Duration of Call

How long will you call for? Is it half an hour? One hour?

Be specific with the number or timeframe you will be calling for.

3. Results

I’m going to get 1, 2, 3 appointments today.

I’m going to get 10 people into the webinar,

whatever it is, you got to have an aim. It can be in appointments, registrations, closing, etc.

No aim, no achievements.

Remember, if you’re stuck in your ways of always not achieving your target, you’ll need to start changing that.

Hold yourself accountable to those aims/goals.

We are driven by pain or pleasure. If you fail, make sure there’s a penalty.

Do some squats, jumping jacks, burpees.

But whatever it is, if you fail to achieve your daily targets, you must have some pain to cause yourself to move forward. With a bit of pain, you’ll be motivated not to repeat the same mistakes of not prospecting for the day.

If you succeed, make sure there’s a reward!

Celebrate your wins so that you get that motivation and desire to do more.

Buy an ice cream, Starbucks coffee, whatever it is, you need to make yourself

feel happy if you achieve your targets!

Make cold calling a discipline and apply these principles, I promise you that you will see your sales soar!

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