How To Be More Persuasive In Sales

How To Be More Persuasive In Sales - Sales Ninja Blog

If there was only one skill that a salesperson should master, it would be the skill of persuasion. Too many salespeople just rely on brute force, just trying to be persistent until the prospects give up. Now don’t get me wrong, persistence is important as well, but when coupled with the skill of persuasion, you […]

How To Generate Qualified Leads For Your Sales Pipeline

How To Generate Qualified Leads For Your Sales Pipeline - Sales Ninja Blog

The root of having a constant stream of income is to have a healthy sales pipeline. One that is filled with quality leads that are just waiting for us to convert. Here’s what you can do to create your healthy sales pipeline: 1. 🥋 Prospecting is a Discipline Instill it as a habit and discipline to […]

How To Make Your Sales Meeting Exciting & Interesting

Start Experience - Sales Ninja Asia

Sales meetings are the core of any successful sales team, but the problem is, most sales leaders conduct it in a boring manner and don’t know how to engage their sales team in the meetings to make it exciting! So how do you make your salespeople look forward to it and make your sales meetings […]