How To Make Your Sales Meeting Exciting & Interesting

Start Experience - Sales Ninja Asia

Sales meetings are the core of any successful sales team, but the problem is, most sales leaders conduct it in a boring manner and don’t know how to engage their sales team in the meetings to make it exciting!

So how do you make your salespeople look forward to it and make your sales meetings interesting and exciting?

Here are 4 simple ways:

1. ✉ Invite Your Customers

This gives you real-life on the ground feedback straight from your customers.

Let the customer be the one telling your sales team, why did he or she buy from your company?

The salesperson can also interview the customer by asking questions like:

“Why did you choose us?”

“Even though we have a higher price, why did you choose us?”

“Which area can we improve in?”

“Where do we excel at?”

“How is our customer service?”

“Anything that we can do better compared to the competition?”

2. 💼 Invite Other Sales Managers

Different industries have different approaches to selling, you can gain new and interesting ideas when you take a sales strategy, or technique from one industry’s sales manager and apply it to your own!

For example, let’s say you sell furniture, but your friend is a sales manager that sells chemicals.

Invite the guy who sells chemicals to come and teach your salesperson how to sell chemicals, your salesperson will learn something new that the other industry is doing.

That is a very important sales training that you can do. And you do not need to hire sales consultants that cost a lot of money!

You will constantly get new content, new ideas, new insights, new inspirations, from an industry that otherwise your salesperson will not be exposed to.

3. 🎮 Play a Game

Games lighten up the mood, and also keeps your sales team engaged. When facilitated properly, it can teach your team valuable lessons.

Play a sales game, randomly give a topic to your salesperson.

“Sell me this phone/mineral water/coffee.”

Make them sell to you the features and benefits.

Whatever it is, play a game.

This will get your salesperson to start thinking outside the box and be on top of their game to sell anything.

4. ♥ Gratitude Activity

Get team members to express their gratitude to one another, sometimes we’re so busy on the ground doing the work, that we don’t take the time to pause and express our gratitude to those around us.

Ask your team members “Who do you want to thank, and why?”

Every single staff member has to thank someone in the company and explain to everybody, Why.

There are plenty of other ways to make your sales meeting more meaningful, memorable, interesting, and engaging! This is what we have done, what are your ways?

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