How To Close Large Deals

How To Close Large Deals - Sales Ninja Blog

🌊 In an ocean of noise, how can you win large companies with large deals?

If you’re a startup or entering a new market, here’s how.

1. 🆓 Give Your Order For Free

If your prospect doesn’t know who you are, what your company does, or what you have to offer, why would they care about or even notice you?

This will get their attention because it’s 0 Risk to them!

It’s especially true when you’re just starting up. However, only pick the Big Names in your targeted industry.

So you can eventually list them as a client! This will boost your credibility when you approach companies.

2. 💯 Full Comment

Show that you’re committed to your client’s success! That you and your company will go all-in with your time, energy, and resources to ensure that they get the results that they want!

When they see, hear, and feel your sincerity. They’ll trust you.

3. 📈 Positive Return On Investment (ROI)

Deliver it in cost reduction, increased sales, faster production, better quality, or cheaper offering. If not, even if you give it for free, they won’t buy from you!

Use these 3 steps and I promise you, you’ll get amazing results!

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