How To Influence Prospects To Buy?

DPO - Sales Ninja Asia

When I was just a sales guy a long time ago, I will always remember one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned was from my sales director. He told me “When you meet the client for the first time, even if it’s 6 pm or 7 pm, you know what?”

“You’ve got to give your 100% energy! You must always be at 100% if you want to hit 100% of your target all the time.”

Imagine this, the prospect is seeing you and listening in for the first time.

Even if you are not a sales or business person, when you talk to your colleague and they come to you in the evenings for the first time, you’ve got to give your best!

Because when you’re talking to them for the first time, they are especially vulnerable to being affected by the energy you give off.

So don’t transmit a “virus” to them with negative energy, instead transmit “victorious” positive energy to them.

This is a very crucial lesson that I’ve picked up when I was very young, having put it into consistent practice, has paid me massive dividends. Up till today, anytime I head out to see a prospect even when it’s late at night and I’m tired. BOOM! I still get into the mode of zero to hero, to ensure the customer will feel it and say “Wow! you are the kind of person I want to deal with.”

Once, when I did training for the top leaders of Coway, a home wellness appliance company, and taught this concept.

Immediately after the program, there was a lady who took action, used the concept, and closed not one, not two, not three, but five Coway machines!

And this wasn’t even done face to face! It was entirely over the phone, WhatsApp, and some Zoom calls.

Here’s another example, before carrying out my training with a property developer one of the agents told me “You know times are tough especially for the property market because the prices are in the few hundreds of thousands, it’s very difficult to sell, I can’t do it. It’s difficult.”

The agents were all idle during the lockdown period, felt uninspired, and unmotivated.

But you know what happened? I did a one-hour session with 100% energy with them and immediately right after the session, the GM texted me “Hanzo! Unbelievable! Your energy has transmitted to them and right now they’re ready to start!”

So be wary of your energy, it is infectious and can spread to those around you either bringing them up or bringing them down; Closing the sale or losing the sale.

Can you, & will you become that high energy person?

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