Sell Me This Pen – The Perfect Answer

Luxottica - Sales Ninja Asia

We all know the famous line coined in the Wolf of Wall Street and is now widely used in sales interviews.

How would you answer this line?

I was actually asked this question when I went for an interview at 18 years old.

Here’s how I would respond to “Sell Me This Pen” today to an interviewer.

Imagine me sitting across a table with the interviewer sitting opposite me. On the table are his papers assessing candidates, and two pens, one with the interviewer, and one with me.

I’ll pick up the pen I’m selling and say, “You know what? This is a fantastic pen, sir. This is life-changing.”

Hanzo (H): “Do you write things down? When was the last time you wrote things down?”

Interviewer (I): “I write things down quite often.”

H: “That’s fantastic! Because most people will write things down because they are either scared that they forget things or they think it’s important.

Which one is it for you? You write things down because you scared that forget, or it’s important for you?”

I “Well, because it is important for me”

H: “Okay, so sir if you write things down because it’s important for you, this pen is one of the most important tools that you will ever have. Because look at this.”

(At this point, I’ll uncap and showcase the pen.)

“So you look at this pen, lightweight, you can use it to write from morning until night time and your hand will not have any problems whatsoever.

But may I know, what kind of pens do you currently own? Is it an affordable one? Or is it a premium one? What kind of pen do you own?”

I: I own a very cheap one.

H: “Now it’s just like a watch. You have a watch, right?”

I: “Yeah”

H: “There are many types of watches you see on the brand market. You have the affordable ones that tell the same time as the really premium ones.

Why would someone buy a premium watch? That’s because it shows success. And it shows status, same like this pen sir, this is more costly compared to yours, but it can display to your clients that you are a person that is serious about contracts and is also a person that serious about success.

So a pen is not for writing only it is actually a symbol of success.

A car can get you from A to B. If you’re in a traffic jam, whether you drive a Ferrari or whether you drive a Honda City it’s exactly the same. You cannot move.

So the pen has no differentiating value in that same context, but if you drive a Honda City, nobody will look at you. However, if you are in a Ferrari revving your engine every guy on that street will be looking at you.

So you are buying a notion and symbol of status, this pen will is going to give you that.”

So that’s my pitch and answer to “Sell Me This Pen”. How would you approach it?

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