Tell Your Unique Brand Stories on LinkedIn Now!

Tell Your Unique Brand Stories on LinkedIn Now! - Sales Ninja Blog

The online platform connecting the world’s professionals presents: LinkedIn Stories

Just when you thought LinkedIn couldn’t get any more useful for your business…

Now, here comes LinkedIn Stories! Hot in the footsteps of popular social media brands like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. LinkedIn Stories is a new way to share 24-hour updates on the popular business and employment-oriented social platform.

But what does this new feature bring to businesses and brands already on LinkedIn?

Well, LinkedIn Stories is a quick and engaging way to share professional updates. Much like Instagram Stories, it allows users to share images or videos that last for just 24 hours. Once published, stories appear in bubbles at the top of a user’s LinkedIn feed on mobile. When tapped, they display in a full-screen format.

From here, viewers can send a story via-

  • direct message
  • making quick and casual conversations easier on the platform!

LinkedIn’s Senior Director of Product Management, Pete Davies had this to say about their new baby:

“Last year, we started asking ourselves what Stories might look like in a professional context.”

He goes on to explain why having a “lightweight” and “fun” way to share an update has as much of a place on LinkedIn as it does anywhere else. “Sometimes we want a way to just make a connection, have a laugh with our colleagues, and move on.”

Much like the introduction of Instagram Stories, LinkedIn Stories offers a huge opportunity to create a stronger, more personable dialogue with your audience.

But it’s worth considering first who you’re talking to and why you want to capture their attention.

Understanding the audience you’re talking to, what they are interested in, and what you want to achieve will help to shape your content strategy and keep you on track for success!

This new “snackable” format is a great way to showcase your in-house knowledge in a fun and engaging way.

Whether it’s resume writing advice from your HR team, a quick industry recap, or creative design pointers, sharing helpful tips is a sure-fire way to capture your audience’s attention.

LinkedIn Stories only have a short lifespan, which makes them perfect for sharing less polished, off-the-cuff content straight from one of your organization’s live events.

From big company announcements to awards ceremonies, sharing clips from live events on this can be a great way to showcase or even create extra hype about your company.

Just like Instagram Stories, LinkedIn Stories provide an awesome way to show a more human and authentic side to your brand.

Hosting a Q&A on stories will showcase the people behind your brand, which is a great way to share your brand story and help build brand affinity!

And if you’re one of the first few brands using LinkedIn Stories, the chances are you’ll be gaining a huge amount of extra airtime with your audience on LinkedIn.

With that in mind, it could be a great idea to use this new platform to share all your important brand updates!

It can be about sharing job opportunities or a product launch, but capitalizing on this new channel to reach more of your audience is definitely a good move!

So, will you be using LinkedIn Stories to market your brand then?

Just remember… if the success of Facebook Stories is anything to go by, early adopters of LinkedIn Stories will set themselves up to be ahead of the competition!

What are you waiting for?

If you’re interested in learning how to capitalize on Linkedin’s professional network to generate more leads for your sales pipeline join us in our next free 30-minute LinkedIn Strategy Discovery session by clicking on the link below:

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