Why Are Scripts Important In Sales?

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Too often salespeople and business owners underestimate the power of sales scripts. They either think that they can just speak, use their charm, and wing it with some key points in their head. Just seeing how it goes, rather than planning ahead.

But if you want to become a professional salesperson that consistently closes deals, or if you want your sales team to produce a consistent stream of revenue, you need a sales script.

Watch this video (or read on) to find out the 4 key reasons why everybody in sales needs a sales script:

1. ✨ Quality

A script allows you to be able to maintain a basic level of quality in your sales. Because you never know if you or your salespeople are saying the wrong things to the client until it’s too late and affects your sales conversions!

A script helps mitigate that risk while maintaining a level of power in the delivery of your key message.

2. 👍 Consistancy

Our salespeople are on the front lines dealing with our clients, so they need a script and be trained to use it to consistently deliver the same message.

For example, in retail sales, if I walk into the store, salesperson A says, “Welcome to XYZ store.”

That is one sales script.

If I walked into another store and salesperson B says,

“Hi morning, my name is Hanzo. What can I do for you?”

That is a totally different sales script.

Now, in brand delivery, if you walk into 2 different stores with 2 different scripts, there’s no brand consistency.

So, it’s crucial that those scripts match each other, and stays consistent with your brand message and your sales message.

3. 📈 Improvement

You’re able to adapt and improve systematically based on feedback from the market and its shifting conditions to your script until you hit every objection that comes up.

Know that your script from 10 years ago, cannot be used right now. So, you have to always be innovative.

For example, during the COVID-19, I designed a COVID-19 sales scripts for my team, as a sales call opener.

That means, when they call the customer, what is the first thing they say?

It is a COVID-19 script.

During Puasa time, during Raya time, during RMCO, during Christmas, during Halloween.

Whatever it is, we need new sales scripts, new updating.

Your product will also be improving from version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and beyond.

So, every time when there’s something new that happens in your company, on a product level or on a service level, you need to upgrade your sales scripts.

4. 👨‍🔬 Predictability

You can have more predictable results and outcomes with your team using the same script. It allows sales to become as close as possible to become a science where you are able to control and tweak the moving parts (variables) to produce more predictable results.

Now that you know the reason why you’ll need to know the 3 types of scripts you need to grow your sales and achieve consistent results:

1. 🔍 Prospecting

You have various channels of prospecting: Cold-calling, networking, door to door, online, and referrals.

If your salesperson would like to cold call. What is the cold call script, that you need to do?

If your salesperson goes to a networking function with 100 people, what is the networking script that you need to use?

If your salesperson is prospecting online, whether it’s LinkedIn or Facebook, what is the sales script they are going to use to private message people?

Each channel requires a different approach and thus a different script.

With different scripts salespeople will be more effective in doing the work and by having templates, best practices, they don’t need to reinvent the wheel, they just execute.

2. 🗣 Presentation

The first part explains the features and benefits of the product.

The second part is storytelling. Sharing what kind of customers you have, their backgrounds, pain points, solutions, testimonials, and results.

Stories are powerful persuasive tools that can be strategically designed beforehand to reach into the minds of your prospects to nudge them towards a sale.

3. ✔ Persuasion

This covers objection handling, closing, and follow-up.

“Your price is too expensive.”

“Your competitor can offer me a lower price, and longer payment term.”

“Give me a discount!”

“I don’t like the design of your product.”

Do you have a sales script ready for these objections?

The more objections that your salesperson gets, the more sales script they need to have to handle this objection.

How about closing?

What is the script for them to get the sale?

I have a video that you can watch to get more specific closing techniques to close more sales. You can watch and read it here.

During the follow-up phase, there are many follow-ups where customers are waiting to make a decision, seeking approval, about to make the decision, or comparing you with a competitor.

What are your sales scripts to follow-up on?

So make sure you have these 3 types of sales scripts for yourself and your team to close more sales!

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