I Wanted A Drink, But Ended Up With Cookies How Famous Amos Sold Me

FM - Sales Ninja Asia

I was on my way back to my office when I detoured through the mall to get a drink because I was really thirsty.

So I made my way down the escalator towards Family Mart for my drink. As I descended the escalator with a parched mouth, a banner at the left corner of my eye caught my attention.

The first thing that jumped out to me was “RM1.90” on the banner of the Famous Amos cookie shop, I immediately thought “Wah! Good value”. Took a closer read and it specifically said “Pick & Mix your favorite cookies, Buy 2nd 100g cookies at RM1.90 and above”. Still value!

Then I walked to the counter to see their freshly baked cookies with their signature Famous Amos cookie aroma in the air, making me hungry by the moment.

The pricing for their freshly baked cookies was as follows:

100g – RM10.90

200g – RM20.50

300g – RM29.90

Then sitting on the top right of their display were more details about their Pick & Mix deal. They broke down the purchase with purchase (PWP) deal whereby if you purchase the following weight of your “favorite cookies” you get the following deals:

300g buy the 2nd 100g for RM1.90

200g buy the 2nd 100g for RM4.90

100g buy the 2nd 100g for RM6.90

I thought to myself “Hmmm, well 300g + 100g would be too much”, and the 100g + 100g was not a good enough deal, though that would’ve been the perfect amount for me. So I said “Ah 200g + 100g it is then” I still wanted a good deal even though I didn’t need so much of it.

So I happily picked out my selection of cookies, the staff packed them in 2 neat bags, I paid for it, and made my way back up happily to the office because I had a great deal.

I further convinced myself, “Can give my team la, today they successfully closed a sale” and happily texted them in our group chat that “I’m coming up with cookies”

So I ended up with 2 bags of cookies and magically forgot about being thirsty.

Famous Amos got me spending almost RM30, at least 10x or more of what a drink would’ve cost me, and it didn’t even solve my initial want to quench my thirst in the first place.

Which left me wondering… Did Famous Amos sell me? Or did I sell myself because I’m such a great salesperson? 🤔 What do you think?

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