The Sceptical Mind That Kills Our Growth

AIMS - Sales Ninja Asia

During one of my training events with a group of insurance salespeople and sales leaders, I was presenting on stage with a backdrop of a massive LED screen on how to sell in a crisis and leveraging off technology like webinars and various other strategies.

I taught them the step-by-step system on how to execute it and showed them proof of how it generated sales for us during the MCO lockdown with the details of actual PayPal, BOOST, and bank transactions with the dates, names, and transaction value.

I flashed one transaction after the other on the LED screen behind me, row after row after row, from single-digit transactions to four-digit transactions.

And then I challenged them to use these strategies to go out there and do the same!

But only a small portion of the room of over 100 people responded and was willing to voice their commitment to rise to the challenge.

Why? Even with proof people are unwilling to commit to new ways?

Because of our sceptical mind, understand that for most salespeople, we’re used to our usual ways of reaching out to prospects, one at a time, either over the phone, text, video call, or in-person. It keeps us within our comfort zone.

Some may even think “Oh, of course, Hanzo it works for you, but it won’t work for me” without even trying!

That immediately takes them out of the game and lose out on potentially multiplying their income!

Don’t let your sceptical mind stop you from trying new things, and growing.

Otherwise, you’ll either stay stagnant or become obsolete in your market.

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