How To Sell When You Think You Hate Sales

How To Sell When You Think You Hate Sales - Sales Ninja Blog

Sales can be one of the most rewarding careers and endeavors that you take in your life. However, it is also one of the most challenging careers out there because we face rejection every day!

That’s why if you want to last and do well in sales, you must have a burning passion for it!

Here are the principles that drive and makes me so passionate about selling:

1. 🔁 Practice Being Passionate Every Morning & Evening

Recite your goals to yourself every morning, imagine as if you’ve already achieved them. Let the vision of your future self drive you in your daily actions.

Fill yourself with the love of selling, imagine the joy of your prospect’s getting the results that they want out of your solution, and also the money you’ll be making in the process to finance your goals and dreams.

2. ♥ Love What You Do

Connect what you do with a deeper purpose that’s aligned with your values, and you’ll be able to find the love for what you do.

Because if you don’t love what you do, you’re not going to work hard, you’re not going to be strong in it, and you’re just going to quit. So you’ve got to really love what you do!

3. 👍 Know What Sales Can Do For You

Imagine how sales will grow you as a person, the lifestyle that it can bring you, the people that you can help through the process.

What are sales to you?

Is sales a platform to earn money? To have a competition to win? To grow as an individual?

If you have a clear idea of what sales can do for you, you’ll be very passionate every single day.

Because you understand and are reaping the rewards from the activities in being a salesperson.

Steve Jobs once said

“Success is extremely difficult.”

“That’s why any normal person would give up.”

“Only a passionate person can fight through this because you love it.”

I strongly believe in what Steve Jobs said, if you love what you do, you are going to fight through the hardship.  That is how you’re going to be successful.

So, find your passion, live your passion, and be extremely passionate about selling no matter what!

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