Simple techniques one of my team member used to make at least 100% profit on Facebook Marketplace

Simple techniques one of my team member used to make at least 100% profit on Facebook Marketplace - Sales Ninja Blog

One of my team members has been selling things on Facebook Marketplace quite frequently making a good profit using simple sales techniques.

Most of the time, I’ll hunt for something and aim to sell it within 1 week. His goal is to get 100% profit which is if he buys something at RM100, he’ll want to sell it at RM200. The techniques he used are really basic sales skills which he wants to share with you.

Here’re the techniques he used to close my sales in Facebook Marketplace

He finds out what people need

From my observation, he noticed that items like folding bicycles are sold really fast. Hence, he hunted for a good deal and sold it in less than a week and in the process making more than RM150 of profit.

In sales, if you know what your prospect needs and you have a proven solution, your prospect will buy. It is important to do your homework and find the pain points of your prospect and then use that during your pitching. Remember to add case studies for that extra “punch”.

He hunted for a good deal

He had to hunt around so many places in order to get a good price. For the painting, he had to go to a car boot sale where people sell unwanted items in their house. he paid only RM10 for it. When he got home, he advertised it for four times the price at RM40. The next day, a lady bought it.

In sales, you need to hunt down prospects. In my case, if he never hunted for a good bargain, he would never have gotten this painting. You need to hunt for prospects everywhere. Use networking sessions, online searches, old name cards, social media, or even job portals. There are hundreds of companies that you can call. If you don’t call, you’ll never get that sale.

Almost everyone asked for discounts

In all my items he posted for sale, almost everyone asked for discounts. It’s not unusual to get messages like “I’ll come over in 30 minutes if you can sell it to me at X price”. It does sound tempting to give in to discounts to secure a sale. But he knew that doing that would mean he earns less.

So, he made the decision to refuse, every single time.

In sales, prospects will always ask for discounts. That’s what they are expected to do. He didn’t give in to price wars because the prospect knew his items are worth what he’s selling them for. And he can safely say that he had successfully sold all the items at full price.

When your customers demand discounts, remember your unique selling points (USP). Your USP is what makes you different from your competitor. That’s how you justify not giving discounts. Our negotiation techniques will ensure that you will never engage in a price war but still able to close the sale higher than your competitor’s price.

If you are having challenges in selling at full price because your clients are always threatening you to give discounts, we totally understand your situation. Almost all the companies we helped face the same situation. In sales, there are many techniques that can be used in different situations. Talk to us and we can give you an absolutely free consultation. Contact us here.

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