Are you willing to pay 50x more for this other watch?

Are you willing to pay 50x more for this other watch - Sales Ninja Blog

The picture above shows two watches where the left one costs RM40 and the right one costs RM2000. Imagine you are trying to sell the RM2000 watch and your competitors are selling the RM40 watch to a prospect.

Your prospect might go “Wahhh, yours is so expensive!” or “both watches are able to tell time, why do I need to buy yours which is so much more expensive?

You may not be selling watches, but you most likely have competitors who are selling similar products to yours at a lower price – and your prospects are buying from them. To get your prospect to buy, you need to sell your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). In Sales Ninja, we use PPSS.

P- Product

Here’s where you differentiate your product’s features. For example, the RM2000 watch is waterproof up to 200m, it has dual time, and it shows the date. If your prospect is able to see the differences between these two watches other than just showing the time, they will be willing to pay more.

P- People

In other situations, the prospect may decide to buy from you, because of you! Sometimes the salesperson makes a difference. I know of so many salespeople who have a loyal set of customers. Even when he changes company, his customers follow him and continues buying from him.

This may not be instantaneous and it takes a while before you can develop trust and friendship with your customers. But once you do, they will be returning customers.

S- Service

The RM2000 watch has a 2 years international warranty, while the RM40 watch does not have any warranty. There was once I emailed the service center for the RM2000 watch and their response was within 24 hours, it was impressively fast. After-service plays a very important part in the buying decision, and you have to tell that to your prospect.

Here are some things you can say to your prospect “Mr prospect, when you buy a watch, do you want peace of mind?

Yes, of course!

Do you know that if ever you have a problem with our watch, our service center replies within 24 hours and our warranty covers you for two years, internationally?”

He will be one step closer to buy your watch.

 S- Source

Another USP is the source. It’s basically to differentiate where your watch is originated. In this case, the RM2000 watch is a swiss-made watch where the other one is probably made in a small locally assembled factory. This shows a difference in quality where the prospect may not realize initially.

If you can show him that your swiss-made watch is from a specialist watchmaking company and where there are proper quality checks and extensive tests, it will make your watch more desirable.

Do you need help in crafting your USP to convince your prospects? Sometimes selling your USP may not be so straightforward and there are methods that we have to help you sell your USP easier. We can show you how you can sell your more expensive products to a prospect instead of losing them to your competitors each time.  Contact us here.

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